January 3, 2023
This Issues Topics:
2023 • Business Connections • Centralia • Chamber News • Chehalis • Happy New Year • January • New Year

Moving Forward Together

Together we are stronger than ever.  Chambers provide a united voice for businesses and offer opportunities to learn from each other, network, and grow.  Chambers have tools to help with all of these efforts and the Centralia-Chehalis Chamber strives to meet the needs of its members.  

New Learning Opportunities

Check out the Micro Bytes Learning Center for easily accessible in-person training.

Legislative Updates

Our District 20 Legislative delegates offer a monthly opportunity for Chamber members to participate in a Zoom meeting with one or more of our delegates.  This is an amazing opportunity to hear first-hand from our delegates, ask questions, or share comments in a friendly and relaxed environment. Zoom links are provided via our weekly email notices to members.   Email [email protected] to learn more or to make sure you are on our email list.

Member Tools

Visit www.ChamberWay.com and click on “Member Login”

Forgot your password?  Simply click on Member Login (upper right side).  Provide your email address.  Check email for instructions.  Easy to set up!

Once logged into your account there are many tools available to you:

  • Update profile information
  • Pay your bill
  • Create a Job Posting that automatically posts to the Chamber website
  • Share your Social Media


Attend our monthly Forums, Business After Hours (BAH), or become a Chamber Ambassador.  There are other volunteer opportunities as well that get you connected with other businesses and potential customers.

Forums are the 2nd Thursday of each month from 11:30 am to 1 pm at O’Blarney’s Irish Pub in Centralia.  

Business After Hours (BAH). BAH’s are the 3rd Thursday from 5 to 7 pm and hosted by various businesses throughout the year. BAH’s are great promotional opportunities to showcase your business. Cost is $250 and includes pre-, during, and post promotion by the Chamber.  We can assist in designing your BAH as well.  

To schedule a BAH or request being a Forum presenter, call 360-748-8885.

Advertising & Promotional Opportunities

The Chamber has numerous advertising opportunities, many with member discounts or exclusive to members only.

  • Digital Billboard located right at I-5 Exit #79 and at the Chamber Office
  • Lewis County Map Plaque – the Map is located below the digital billboard
  • Web advertising (members only)
  • E-mail Updates (a weekly calendar listing plus weekly promotions or news items)
  • Business After Hours –exclusive to members only
  • Event Sponsors
  • Home & Garden Show
  • 3-on-3 Streetball Festival
  • Trails and Rails 5k Fun Run
  • Seattle-to-Portland Midway Rest Sponsor 
  • Lewis County Hiring Fairs 
  • Choose local Holiday Campaign
  • Santa Parade
  • Micro Bytes Learning Center
  • Trick or Treat Transit


Ribbon Cuttings are a free promotional service of the Chamber and are open to both members and non-members.  Call or email Chris Demus at 360-748-8885 / [email protected]

Bizz Buzz announcements are a free Chamber Member benefit.  Submit 200 words or less to [email protected] and take advantage of a free listing in the monthly Business Connections distributed inside The Chronicle the first Thursday of each month.  The deadline is typically the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Photos welcome.