Centralia Downtown Festivals Association Board Member Flossie Heymann smiles for a photo while selling tickets for the Murals, Museums and Moonshine guided walking tour event in downtown Centralia on Saturday, June 3.

Centralia Downtown Festivals Association President Holly Ryan is relishing her role as The Grinch with Santa during Centralia Downtown Association’s “Christmas in July” Event.
By Emily Fitzgerald
The Centralia Downtown Festivals Association (CDFA) was founded in 2017 with a goal to bring people into Centralia’s vibrant historic downtown.
Now in its sixth year, the association remains committed to achieving that mission by holding fun events downtown.
“We try to bring some new things to town and also keep some traditions,” said CDFA President Holly Ryan.
Traditional events continue to be a highlight of their annual events including the Antique Fest and Hub City Car Show in August; the Ghost Walk and Dark Market in October; and the Christmas on Magnolia Holiday Makers Market in December. CDFA also partners with the Centralia Downtown Association for Girls Night Out shopping events, which benefit the Hope Alliance, twice a year.
Most recently, CDFA held its second Murals, Museums and Moonshine guided walking tour, which sought to bring attention to Centralia’s history.
“The main thing is to get people to come in, bring them into downtown, help them to see that there is a viable downtown with a lot going on and that we are building tourism,” Ryan said.
CDFA is an all-volunteer, no-profit association, Ryan said, meaning all money CDFA receives through LTAC funding, grants, sponsorships or admission fees go directly to putting on events.
The association is always looking for volunteers, feedback or ideas for new events,Ryan said.
For more information, contact Ryan at The Shady Lady in downtown Centralia, email CDFA at downtowncentraliaevents@ gmail.com or visit CDFA’s website at https:// centraliadowntownfestivals. com/.

Centralia Downtown Festivals Association Board Member Flossie Heymann smiles for a photo while selling tickets for the Murals, Museums and Moonshine guided walking tour event in downtown Centralia on Saturday, June 3.