LC Coffee Embraces Their Roots 

January 1, 2024
This Issues Topics:
2024 • Business Connections • LC Coffee

Seven years ago Samantha and Spike Magnuson cautiously opened their first coffee stand on State Avenue with their daughter Angie Twining. “We wanted to wait a year before expanding to make sure we knew what we were doing,” explained Samantha. Yet, only four months later they were already purchasing land for what was supposed to be their 2nd location on Jackson Hwy. However just over a year later the phone began ringing with other competitors offering stands for sale. With their seventh anniversary in January 2024, their eighth and ninth coffee stations are about to open. Number eight is adjacent to Big T’s BBQ and the Pearl Gas and Grocery – a North Pearl Centralia location. Number nine is referred to by Samantha as a “coffee plus” venue – and is also slated to open soon at the space in Fairway Center previously owned by Nea’s Ice Cream. Nine coffee locations in seven years, including the addition of The Station in Centralia, is a phenomenal success story. For those who have often considered opening a business but have waffled on the sidelines, Samantha says, “Just do it!” She advises that having the heart and drive is the key to success.

Between LC Coffee and their companion roasting business, Wicked North Coffee Roasters, they now have more than 65 employees including baristas, warehouse, and administrative staff.

“We started this as a family business with the vision of giving back to the community,” said Samantha. “My husband has a motto we have all embraced: We operate with love and compassion,” added Samantha. She spoke of gratitude towards the community that has embraced and supported them from the beginning. “Our success is owed to our great customers and supportive community.”

Samantha and Spike both came from the corporate world working for Line-X. The idea of opening a family business and leaving the corporate world behind was too enticing to pass up. They purchased their first stand on State Avenue in Chehalis with no idea what to even call their company. All the names with “Northwest themes” were already in use. It was their daughter Angie who suggested the current name, “Even though she didn’t think we’d like the idea,” reminisced Samantha. However, the name felt immediately like a good fit. “Like many people who grew up here, we take pride in coming from Lewis County,” said Samantha. That community pride has likely been a driving factor in their success. “We quickly became known as LC Coffee and now when people see those initials, they know exactly who we are and what it means.”

The Station is their only non-drive-through offering event space and a coffee lounge atmosphere. This location has recently undergone an amazing facelift that makes it an appealing place for meetings and events. The upstairs now offers a Board Room providing seating for up to 20 and a beverage/food stand for meal service.

Downstairs is spacious and requests for after-hours use are increasing, with the most recent event being the Lewis County Young Professionals hosting their Festival of Trees fundraiser. The Centralia- Chehalis Chamber is also using the space starting in January as they move their monthly Forum from a lunchtime event to an early morning gathering of its members. For those interested in learning more about booking space at The Station visit lewiscountycoffee. com or call 360-740- 8956.

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