Amanda Curry Named Ambassador of the Year at Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Banquet

Amanda Woodring Curry received Ambassador of the Year recognition at the annual Chamber banquet.By Sigourney OrstadFor the C-C Chamber of Commerce Amanda Curry was named Ambassador of the Year by the Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce at its annual banquet in...

Previous Articles

Some of the Good, Bad, and Ugly

Some of the Good, Bad, and Ugly

By Peter Abbarno20th District Rep. R-Centralia The legislative session adjourned, sine die, on March 7th - the constitutional 60-day deadline. Traditionally a “clean-up” session following the longer odd-year sessions, there were almost 25% more bills introduced this...

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The Aerie Ballroom

The Aerie Ballroom

The Aerie Ballroom Restored Event Venues and Hotel RoomsGreat venues become even greater when they offer the full range of options including unique event spaces, excellent hotel accommodations, fine dining, and proximity to parking and downtown activities. Neil White...

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Riverside Golf Club and Bistro 

Riverside Golf Club and Bistro 

Riverside Golf Club and Bistro Ace in the Hole for Events & TournamentsRiverside Golf Club offers more than eighteen holes and 6155 yards of golf. They are also a year-round venue for events with six spaces available. Their rentals have been used for retirement...

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March Bizz Buzz

March Bizz Buzz

March Forum Thursday, March 14 • 8 am (networking begins at 7:30 am) The Station 120 S. Tower, Centralia Speakers: TBA Business After Hours Thursday, March 21 5 – 7 pm Centralia School District 813 Eshom Road, Centralia District 20 Legislative Updates Thursday, March...

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Owl and Olive

Owl and Olive

Owl and Olive Country VenueFor those looking for a country setting and classic barn, Owl and Olive offers the simplicity and beauty of a farm venue. Owl and Olive is set against the backdrop of the Willapa Hills and hugs the bank of the upper Chehalis River. The...

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Some lesser-discussed Bills

Some lesser-discussed Bills

By Peter Abbarno20th District Rep. R-Centralia As the Washington State Legislature enters the final week of February, I wanted to write about some bills you may not have heard about, but could have a huge, statewide impact. Most of us know about all six initiatives to...

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 Lucky Eagle Casino and Hotel

 Lucky Eagle Casino and Hotel

Lucky Eagle Casino and Hotel Venues, Catering, Hotel, and EntertainmentThere are few places that offer as much in one location as Lucky Eagle Casino and Hotel does. They operate a wide assortment of venues and are known for excellent catering services and...

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